Partnering with the Singapore Repertory Theatre (SRT), close to 70 students and staff from TCTF-supported charities CARE Singapore and Lakeside Family Services were treated to an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour of Shakespeare in the Park – Romeo and Juliet. The secondary school youths, aged 15 to 18, formed a Critics Club and had the opportunity to hone their confidence and voice questions through interviews with SRT’s Associate Producer Juliet Chia, Resident Assistant Director Khairul Kamsani and Actor William Landsman. The cast and crew shared interesting nuggets about casting, scripting and set creation with the youths – piquing their interest for the play that they were to watch later that evening.
SRT Costume Coordinator Valeree Ray Lee brought the young ones backstage and walked them through the props, costumes and equipment that will be used during the performance. Numerous questions such as “What is the greatest challenge you have faced during this production?” were raised by the youth as they were led through the tour. Through this opportunity, the youth were also shown alternative careers such as stage management and acting. To conclude the programme, the youths were treated to the finale performance of the play – a timeless theatre piece that many of them would not have otherwise been exposed to.
Read about their experience and more YARP journals: