Mr Weevyn To shared about his struggles and journey from being a youth in a juvenile institution to becoming a Social Worker.

TCTF Intern Ms Shernise Ng joined the sharing session.

Council Member Ms Chew Gek Hiang with our guest speakers.

CEO Ms Yap Su-Yin welcomed our LBKM bursary awardees.

CEO Ms Yap Su-Yin connected scholars together.

Tête-à-Tête: ACS Schools, MGS, HCI and LBKM

8 Jul 2016

Our annual Tête-à-tête @ TCTF series is a platform for our current scholarship and bursary award recipients to converge and converse. The occasion allowed all to learn about the philanthropic legacy of Tan Sri Tan, learn from invited industry experts and also form bonds and networks with each other.

On 8 July 2016, TCTF Council Members Dr Tan Kheng Lian, Ms Chew Gek Hiang, Prof Cham Tao Soon and CEO Ms Yap Su-Yin hosted a reception for 32 of our scholars and bursary award recipients from the Anglo-Chinese Schools, Methodist Girls School, Hwa Chong Institution and Malay-Muslim charity, LBKM.

Themed “Overcoming Life’s Challenges”, we invited guest speakers from TCTF-supported charities, Lakeside Family Services and ActionAid International to share about individual and societal challenges faced both locally and in the ASEAN region. TCTF intern Ms Shernise Ng joined the panel to share about her personal struggles and how the challenges moulded her aspirations for the future.