More Than Words “Read Aloud, Share a Story or Poem” – My Dream, Our Future (2014)

20 May 2021

The “Read Aloud, Share a Story or Poem” project is a collective effort of 9 contributors across different age groups, nationalities, and ethnicities who lent their voices and skills during the Covid-19 pandemic. Contributors included John Cunningham from ACTs of life and TCTF scholars from Methodist Girls’ School. TCTF scholars Lee Shi Wen, from Ngee Ann Polytechnic and ACTs of life volunteer, Tina Nguyen from Vietnam, used their multimedia skills to weave together the narrations of stories and poems to create the More Than Words 2014 – My Dream, Our Future audiobook.

Refer to the link below to listen to the audiobook.

Audiobook (video verson):

The More Than Words 2014 “My Dream, Our Future” e-book is available on the TCTF website: