The Yellow Team vs Blue Team.

The Blue Team trying to score a goal.

The winning team.

I ♥ Sports” Series (netball)

11 Feb 2012

TCTF’s inaugural “I ♥ Sports” series started with netball as the first sport. In collaboration with our beneficiary, Netball Singapore, and Chen Su Lan Methodist Home, TCTF organised the netball coaching sessions for the girls in the Home. Three coaching sessions were conducted for 15 girls on a fortnightly basis from mid-January to mid-February.

The National coach from Netball Singapore and six National Players coached the children, with the support of our volunteers, TCTF Scholars, Cheryl, Laura and Catharine. The children were coached in basic ball-passing and shooting skills in the first two sessions and played a little match during the final session. The TCTF team presented prizes to the children for their participation and enthusiasm. The children enjoyed their time with their ‘jie jie’ coaches.

As a finale to the series, 10 children from the Home will be spectators at the FairPrice Foundation NSL Opening Ceremony, hosted by Netball Singapore.