Mindfulness Psychologist Mr Eric Lim from Brahm Centre (center) teaching stress relieving breathing techniques.

Mr Mervyn Sek from ACJC welcomed guests to the Opening Tea.

ACJC students interacting with representatives from AMKFSC Community Services.

Project Cheer 2019: Opening Tea & Mental Health Talk @ ACJC

1 Feb 2019

On 30 Jan 2019, 64 ACJC students and charity guests from St Luke’s Eldercare @ Kebun Baru Centre, Thye Hua Kwan Seniors Services @ Taman Jurong, AMKFSC Community Services and Brahm Centre interacted with one another during Project Cheer 2019 Opening Tea. It was the first time that TCTF organised an opening tea so as to provide the students and representatives more opportunities to engage directly before the start of Project Cheer in March. Students also added that meeting the charity representatives in an informal setting added a personal touch and a sense of purpose to the project.

Mervyn Sek, Head of Department (Project Work & Values in Action) at Anglo-Chinese Junior College, summarised the activities and reflections by the past years’ participants so the audience would have a deeper understanding of what Project Cheer was about. Riding on the theme of Mental Wellness, guest speaker Mr Eric Lim, Mindfulness Psychologist from Brahm Centre, ended the session with tips on how to cultivate Mental Resilience which was timely for the students’ approaching examinations.