Under the foundation’s signature Young Arts Reporter Project (YARP), young members enrolled in the programme are exposed to various alternative career activities. On 9 June 2016, 15 children from TCTF-supported MCYC Community Services Society expanded their knowledge on the fundamentals of customer service and table set-up through a Lifeskill Module course conducted by SHATEC.
As part of TCTF’s partnership with Encore! The European Season in Singapore, our young beneficiaries were given the opportunity to step into the shoes of a service staff and understand the importance of being a gracious customer. By the end of the module, the enthusiastic YARPies were able to differentiate between a Chinese and Western table set-up and had the hands-on experience to go along with their newfound knowledge.
Read about their experience and more YARP journals: https://tctfyarp.wordpress.com/